All of us at See How We Sew are excited to wish each of you a Joyous New Year. As we change our calendars, and put away the holiday decorations, we look ahead to a new year of creating and sharing with you. Thank you for being such a supportive and caring audience.
The long-awaited day has finally arrived! What better way to kick off the new year than with a FREE block-of-the-month project? If you have never tried a block-of-the-month project, this is your opportunity to work along with me for the next several months to create a unique quilt top with a variety of blocks covering many of my favorite techniques, including y-seam construction, drafting, 45 and 60-degree angles, applique, and much more.
If you have been following my posts, you know that a few months ago I was asked to teach the 2013 Block of the Month class for Craftsy. Remember these wonderful dots from my last post?

I love these dots by Robert Kaufman fabrics.
Here is what I did with them.

My January lesson on making the Offset Log Cabin blocks is now available for viewing. Simply go to and follow the steps to sign up. Remember, it is FREE. You can enjoy the lesson as many times as you want, whenever you want. Your access will never expire. There are also course materials available that include photos, diagrams, fabric requirements, and a supply list. Be sure to print your copies for easy reference while watching the first lesson.
I hope you will join me in the Craftsy classroom. If you decide to follow along, please be sure to post photos of your blocks so that everyone can enjoy seeing what you are working on.
I love the traditional Log Cabin block pattern and will share a few variations with you in my Friday post. Be sure to check back. In the meantime, thank you to so many of you for the kind words of encouragement.
Congratulations to Kathie L., the winner of a Free class on Craftsy.
Happy New Year everyone!
