Coming Soon

Four Quilt-Makers Sharing Ideas, Inspiration and Information

Julia McLeod
Julia is a quilt maker living and working in San Francisco's East Bay Area. Born and raised in England, Julia worked as a woven textile designer in the woolen- and worsted mills of Yorkshire and Scotland, and later for a company on Savile Row, in the heart of London’s bespoke tailoring industry.
A job in menswear textile design took Julia to New York City in the early ’90s, and America has been her home since then.
Julia specializes in making quilts from rescued materials, particularly silks. Neckties, saris, kimonos and furnishing fabrics all find their way into her quilts. When not at work in her studio, Julia enjoys hiking Bay Area trails and playing violin in the local Big Band.
Visit to find out more about her quilts, lectures and workshops.