Happy February everyone!
I can’t believe how quickly this past month has flown by. I hope you are finding time to work on some of those projects you may have put off due to a busy holiday season. If you have been following along, you know that my first lesson on Craftsy’s new block of the month went live on January 1st. I am both honored and overwhelmed to say that there are currently over 50,000 students. All I can say is “Wow!” It has been such an exciting experience.
I have decided to make another sampler quilt along with the students and present some setting options at the end of the year. Here are the fabrics I will be working with. The large floral is Happy Land by Jennifer Paganelli for Free Spirit/Westminster Fibers. It is my inspiration/focus fabric.

Fabrics for my new sampler quilt. I just can’t get away from dots!
I have decided to make another set of the same blocks using different fabrics. One of my posts each month will be dedicated to sharing the new blocks and discussing fabric choices. I will also offer different options for arranging the blocks. I hope you will join me in this journey. If you are interested and haven’t yet signed up, it’s not too late. It’s free and you can access the lessons at any time. They are yours forever.
First a bit of catch up: Last month I taught the offset or off-center Log Cabin block. Here it is, using my alternative fabric choices.

While visiting my Facebook page last night, I saw that Christine Barnes has been playing with the same pattern. She says it is a mock-up made with InDesign using Gelato ombres by E. E. Schenck. Don’t they offer a beautiful range of colors and values?

This month on Craftsy, I am covering partial-seam construction with a block I call Spring Blooms. If you are interested, there is an instructional video on partial seam construction in our “How-To Videos” located on the navigation bar above.

A year or so ago, I made an entire quilt from this block. I simply set the blocks on point with some alternate blocks for a different look. The pattern for this quilt is available on my website and works well with any of the 1-1/2″ wide pre-cut strip sets.

I pinned both the January and February blocks onto my design wall and really like the way they play together. I like that so much, that I am considering making an entire quilt with just these two blocks.

That’s it for today. Please check back next month for a lesson on drafting. No groaning, please. I promise it will be fun!
Take care of yourselves and enjoy another month of creativity.
